East Sussex Early Days CIC
Our Story
The directors of East Sussex Early Days have been involved in infant feeding support in East Sussex for around 10 years now. We are responsible for running the Breast Mates infant feeding support groups in Bexhill and Hastings.
The directors have identified that early feeding support can make a significant difference to the feeding journeys of many parents and that is why we ultimately decided to launch East Sussex Early Days CIC.
We have received funding from the National Lottery to enable parents to receive free early feeding support in the comfort of their own homes. We hope that this will also encourage parents to feel empowered to access feeding support groups in East Sussex.
Our service is designed to complement the efforts of our NHS partners and other voluntary support services. We believe that by working together, we can provide the best possible care for our community.

What We Do
Lactation Consultant Home Visits
We provide free Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) home visits in East Sussex to families with breastfeeding concerns. These visits are fully funded by the organisation and so families are not charged for the service.
We can provide home visits to families who:
have breastfeeding problems, such as severe pain and nipple trauma
are struggling to leave the house for both physical and mental health reasons
have premature babies
have babies with weight problems
wish to relactate
have mental health difficulties that are being exacerbated by feeding issues
are receiving support from the Lighthouse Team
would be unable to pay for a private IBCLC home visit

Breast Mates Support Groups
We run Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) facilitated groups in Bexhill and Hastings. These groups are for feeding support and for socialising too. They are entirely free and they are currently funded through the 'Making it Happen' grants and The Chalk Cliff Fund, which have also provided funding to support the groups to continue for the next two years.